v. 8.4
- Added the following special effects: “Transcendent Tempest” for Tempest and “Weaver's Prowess” for “Weaver
- Added SSL support
- Added new pet family from “Janthir Wilds” expansion that Ranger can select: Bee (Janthiri Bee)
- Pet family groups can now be arranged in two rows in the pet selection menu
- Fixed an issue where Revenant's single legend was not shown when loading a quicklink if the legend was selected to an alternate legend slot
v. 8.3
- Upgrades and relics can now affect lifesteal healing
- Attribute combinations for equipment can now differ between PvE and WvW modes
- Added new pet family from “Janthir Wilds” expansion that Ranger can select: Warclaw (Warclaw)
v. 8.2.1
- Fixed a bug with the incorrect pet set icon for the second Ranger pet
v. 8.2
- Added the Spear as a possible terrestrial weapon for every profession, as announced for Guild Wars 2 expansion “Janthir Wilds”
v. 8.1.2
- Added new pet family from “Secrets of the Obscure” expansion that Ranger can select: Kryptis (Spinegazer)
v. 8.1.1
- Added new pet family from “Secrets of the Obscure” expansion that Ranger can select: Chaks (Sky-Chak Striker)
v. 8.1
- Updated all relics with the “fact” system used for skill tooltips
- Profession skills that are not dependent on your equipped weapon will now default to the hammer weapon's strength
- Added new weapons for each profession that will be released with second major update for Guild Wars 2 expansion “Secrets of the Obscure” in 2024
- Skill tooltips will no longer be updated with facts from the selected relic
- Facts from the selected relic will be shown directly in the Summary section
- Facts with Blight will now always show values without rounding
v. 8.0
- Each profession is able now to use elite specialization weapons without the corresponding trait line equipped
- Added the ability to use relics in your equipment
- The quicklink code was updated to save the new selection of relic
- “Equipment” tab was upgraded with the “Relic” slot (“Accessories” section in PvE/WvW mode and “Rune, Amulet & Relic” section in PvP mode)
- Added stacking Relic effects to the “Temporary buffs” section
- Added “Enhancements” group for the “Utility” slot (“Equipment” tab, “Buffs” section) - it is possible now to use “Potion Of Karka Toughness”
- Added new pet family from “Secrets of the Obscure” expansion that Ranger can select: Burrowing Sharks (Aether Hunter)
- Added size autoscaling for the “Profession, Race and Weapons” single-selection menu
- Special mode “Kneel” is available now for any Thief with rifle
- Refactored JS code to avoid using editor variables in the global scope
- Fixed a rare bug with Ranger's aquatic pet disappearing in slot 1 when loading a quicklink
v. 7.7.1
- Reduced the maximum stacks for the “Sand Sage” special effect to 1
v. 7.7
- Added the following special effects: “Natural Balance” for Druid
- The Deadeye stolen skills can now be affected by trait “Fire for Effect”
- Fixed a minor bug when the effects of Druid's “Celestial Avatar” skill were marked in the Summary section as pet skills
- Simplified the way to determine movement skills
- The skill can no longer be shown as a ground-targeted skill in underwater mode
v. 7.6.2
- Added the indication of charges for ammo skills in skills sequences
- Daredevil can now use the base version of Steal
v. 7.6.1
- Mirage can now correctly display additional Phantasmal Axe skills with the appropriate trait
v. 7.6
- Added the ability to use Jade Bot power cores in your PvE builds
- The quicklink code was updated to save the new selection of power cores
- Added the following special effects: “Elements of Rage” for Weaver
- Added a new “Jade Bot” tab for PvE mode to select Jade Bot modules
- Added a new special mode “Kneel” for Deadeye with rifle
v. 7.5
- Added F2 skill slot for Berserker
- Added F4 skill slot for Soulbeast in Beastmode
- Added F5 skill slot for Chronomancer and Virtuoso
- Minor correction of the calculation of the “Reinforced Armor” effect
- Fixed a rare bug with an incorrect effect name for trait facts added to the skill description
v. 7.4.2
- Changed the formula for calculating critical chance for pets and mechs
v. 7.4.1
- Temporary buffs can now modify the calculation of armor defense
- Added new effect Reinforced Armor into “Temporary buffs” section
- The descriptions in the “Summary” section have been updated with information about the maximum duration of effects
v. 7.4
- Added the ability to use fractal potions in your PvE builds
- The quicklink code was updated to save the new selection of fractal potions
- Added Fractal masteries and fractal potions to the “Equipment” tab for PvE mode
- The equipment summary popup can now use a two-columns format for large effect lists
- The list of effects in the temporary buffs bar was updated according to the current state of the game
v. 7.3.1
- Fixed a bug with increasing of duration for skill/trait facts that should be replaced with an elite specialization
v. 7.3
- Added the ability for Ranger pets to have alternate family skills (White Tiger)
- Added new pet families from “End of Dragons” expansion that Ranger can select: Phoenix, Turtle and Wallow
- Fixed the indication of skills charges for Thief’s stolen ammo skills
- Fixed PvE/WvW/PvP mode dependency for skill/trait facts that should be replaced with an elite specialization
v. 7.2.1
- Added the indication of skills charges in the skillbar for ammo skills
- Fixed wrong double calculation of bonus health
v. 7.2
- Added last three elite specializations from “End of Dragons” expansion: Untamed, Specter and Mechanist
- Added the following special effects: “Deadly Blades” for Virtuoso, “Ferocious Symbiosis” for Untamed
- Added a new skill line for the Mechanist to show the skills of Mech’s AI
- Pets can now inherit your character’s attributes (for Mech usage)
- Added a new special mode for Untamed to show temporary effects of the Ranger’s unleashing (Unleashed Ambushes)
- Added the ability for Vindicator to swap between Luxon and Kurzick skills while in the Legendary Alliance Stance
v. 7.1.1
- Fixed wrong calculation of character secondary attributes
v. 7.1
- Added three new elite specializations from “End of Dragons” expansion: Catalyst, Bladesworn and Vindicator
- Added the following special effects: “Elemental Empowerment” and “Empowering Auras” for Catalyst, “Furious Surge” for Warrior and “Guns And Glory” for Bladesworn
- Traits can replace skills facts now with new ones (for ex., Flow instead of Adrenaline for Bladesworn)
- Temporary buffs can change now character attributes by a percentage of themselves
v. 7.0.1
- Fixed bug with brocken weapon skills for Tempest and Weaver
- Fixed wrong calculation of skills casttime affected by quickness
v. 7.0
- Added elite specializations from Guild Wars 2 expansion “End of Dragons”. Now you can use the following specializations: Harbinger, Willbender and Virtuoso
- Added the following special effects: Blight for Harbinger, Lethal Tempo for Willbender and Compounding Power for Mesmer
- Traits can remove skills facts now
- Quickness now can affect skills casttime
- Reorganized profession selection menu to add 3rd line of elite specializations
- Fixed rare bug with race and weapon selection from single-selection menu
v. 6.1.10
- The value of quick filter in the item selection menu (“Equipment” tab) is now saved when switching between item groups
- Fixed bug with wrong F1/F0 indication of skills for Renegade in the Summary's tooltips
v. 6.1.9
- Facts added by traits and runes will now appear in italics
- Fixed interaction between traits and non-active facts of conditions and boons
v. 6.1.8
- Fixed rare bug with displaying of trait recharge time
v. 6.1.7
- “Retaliation” boon has been replaced with “Resolution” boon
- Skill fact “Life-Steal Damage” is set as an independent effect, so it could be correctly affected by traits now
- Added new icons for “Resolution” boon and “Pull” control effect
v. 6.1.6
- Fixed possible problem with localStorage quota overflow
v. 6.1.5
- Fixed bug with repeated doubloon’s selection for Exotic trinkets
v. 6.1.4
- Fixed bug with possibility to set hidden upgrade for ascended trinket or hidden infusion for non-ascended item
v. 6.1.3
- Added confirmation box for “Reset Specialization” and “Reset Equipment” buttons
v. 6.1.2
- Added new effect Explosive Temper into “Temporary buffs” section
- Added possibility for traits to modify “self-targeted” facts directly
- Fixed the calculation of damage with extra low power coefficients
- Fixed attribute icons for Ranger’s pets
v. 6.1.1
- Added health cost to the list of skill activation requirements
- Added possibility for traits to modify numbers in signet's passive facts
v. 6.1
- Now you can upload your build by specifying its chat code in the load menu
- The quicklinks generation system was supplemented with build chat codes for the game client
- Added option to copy quicklinks and chat codes of your build to clipboard
- Copy and delete roll-up menu in the “Equipment” tab was supplemented with an option “Overwrite while copying”
- “Weapon”, “Armor” and “Accessories” sections in the “Equipment” tab were supplemented with the “Reset upgrades” option
- Fixed bug with incorrect replacement of Revenant’s utility skills with two selected legends
v. 6.0.5
- Fixed bug with incorrect behaviour of “Select all” function in the “Temporary buffs” section for builds without Death's Carapace effect
v. 6.0.4
- Added new effect Death's Carapace into “Temporary buffs” section
- Changed the round function for attribute's calculation
- Fixed wrong calculation of healing increasing from some traits
v. 6.0.3
- Changed the source of initial data loading
v. 6.0.2
- Fixed a bug that prevents traits with percent increase from affecting on some skill fact values
v. 6.0.1
- The tooltips for conditions/boon duration attributes will show now the full increasing of specific conditions and boons
v. 6.0
- Editor's engine has been completely reworked
- New structure of data files has been implemented which made it possible to reduce the amount of downloaded data by almost 50%
- Quicklinks now use a new format of template code which made it possible to create new links 25-50% shorter than the old ones
- You can now choose not only the core professions but also elite specializations directly from main menu
- Boons' and conditions' descriptions and effects are changing now according to selected traits
- The “Temporary buffs” section has been updated with a number of new effects - boons, Warrior's banners, some traits and WvW buffs
- Only control effects have been left in the “Control” category of “Current Effects” section
- The “Current Effects” section has been updated with “Miscellaneous” category which includes the following effects from your build: healing, barrier, evade, breaks stun, stealth, superspeed and teleport
- Traits can now replace the proper skills on your skill bar
- Skills' descriptions are now updated with facts from your current selected runes
- Updates of site database and releases of new versions of the build editor will now trigger a warning message during your session with the editor
- Editor's design has been reworked
- All control elements are now grouped in a single-row main menu at the top of the editor (profession/race/weapon selection, environment and game mode)
- PvE mode is the default mode now
- You can specify your profession, race and weapon step by step with the single-row main menu or you can set them all at the same time with the roll-up menu (button in the top-left corner of the editor)
- The “Temporary buffs” and the “Current Effects” sections were separated from the “Skills” tab and are now always available for you
- Special mode buttons (for ex., berserk mode or stealth mode) have got new large icons
- Target's level can now also be changed by clicking on the target dummy icon
- Summary about selected traits and equipment has been removed from tab hints and is now available at the bottom of the attribute section
- Elite specialization in the “Traits” tab can now only be chosen in the last specialization row (like in the game)
- The “Preview” section in the “Traits” tab now contains all traits for your selected profession and can be pinned to be always visible. This choice will be saved between your sessions on the site
- The layout of the “Armor” section in PvP mode now follows ingame layout
- Copy and delete functions for elements in the “Armor” tab in PvE/WvW modes have been grouped within single menu attached to each element of your equipment
- Rarity of weapons, armor parts and trinkets in the “Armor” tab is now marked with solid-border frame of the proper color
- All menus for selection of items, upgrades, infusions etc. in the “Armor” tab can now be switched into text search mode. This choice will not be saved between your sessions on the site
- Weapons, armor parts and trinkets of 4-stats combinations can be now grouped by both major stats in the selection menus
- Combo fields and combo finishers in the “Current Effects” section have been updated with new set of uniform-style icons
- Descriptions of combo fields and finishers can now be toggled to show full list of combos
- Experience bonus has been removed from food and utilities descriptions as it doesn't affect your build
- Solved a problem with stats for some non-standard upgrades of exotic rarity (Mournstone and Sunset Jewel)
- Solved a problem with upgrades that do not affect character's stats directly (for ex., increasing of condition damage for Sigil of Bursting)
- Solved a problem with base and bonus parts of character attribute's increases from your current build
v. 5.5
- Traits can decrease character's attributes now
- Usage of F1 anf F2 skills slots for Berserker is corresponding now with current in-game behaviour
- Druid's pets now have decreased core attributes values
- Revenant got access to the F2 skill slot for “Ancient Echo” skill
- Fixed bug with displaying stealth attack skills for Daredevil
v. 5.4
- The section “Current Effects” now collects the effects from Revenant's skills according to your current legend
- Herold's “True Nature” skill now is redrawing according to your current legend
- Traits now can affect character health's level
v. 5.3
- The special effect Malice for Deadeye has been moved into separated bar over initiative bar
- Changed the descripton of Confusion to show three damage values
- Fixed a bug where available underwater weapons would not display correctly if the profession was changed while “In the water” mode was on
v. 5.2
- Barrier effect now is affected by traits
- Taunt effect has been moved from “Control” to “Conditions” category in “Current Effects” section
- Alacrity effect has been added into “Boons” category in “Current Effects” section
v. 5.1
- Added the following special effects: Attacker's Insight for Spellbreaker and Sand Sage for Scourge
- Reworked functionality for Ranger's pet attributes. Now you can see all actual attributes of your selected pet, and these attributes are used to calculate facts in pet's skills
- Several small improvements for better interaction between new and old traits
- Unlocked underwater mode for Revenant
- Fixed bug with disappearance of Engineer's tool belt skills after loading build from quicklink
v. 5.0
- Added elite specializations from Guild Wars 2 expansion “Path of Fire”. Now you can use all new specializations: Weaver, Spellbreaker, Soulbeast, Scourge, Firebrand, Deadeye, Holosmith, Mirage and Renegade
- Added the following special effects: Malice for Deadeye and Kalla's Fervor for Renegade
- Added 2nd and 3rd infusion slots for ascended rings and 2nd infusion slot for ascended back items
- Added infusions with +7 and +9 Agony resistance
- Added new stats combinations for weapons, armor and trinkets of Ascended and Exotic rarity - Marshal, Harrier and Grieving
- Fixed the calculation algorithm for duration of boons and conditions
v. 4.3
- Attributes Expertise and Concentration have been added to character's attributes section
- Added new 4-stats combinations for weapons and armor of Ascended and Exotic rarity, trinkets of Exotic rarity, upgrades of Exotic and Rare rarity - Commander, Crusader, Marauder, Minstrel, Trailblazer, Vigilant, Viper and Wanderer
- Descriptions of attributes Condition Duration and Boon Duration are expanded with list of all conditions and boons that have got increasing of their duration from traits, upgrades and buffs
- Attributes Agony Resistance and Magic Find are only visible at tabs Specialization and Armor now
v. 4.2
- Added new elite specializations – Scrapper and Druid
- Added elite profession icons for elite specializations
- Added new pets for Ranger - Electric Wyvern, Fire Wyvern, Bristleback and Tiger (with placeholder for F2 skill for the last one)
v. 4.1
- Added new elite specializations – Herald, Berserker and Daredevil
- Added Berserk mode for Warrior with Berserker specialization
- Small fixes and improvements of selection interface for items and upgrades
v. 4.0
- Added the possibility to use elite specializations. Now you can use the following specializations: Tempest, Reaper, Dragonhunter and Chronomancer
- Added a new profession – Revenant
- Function “Show skill action” has been changed – now this action blocks other skills according to in-game behavior of used skill
- Necromancer’s shroud skills are available now upon using “Show skill action” button
- Downed and drowned skills have been added
- “Current Effects” section supplemented control effects “Taunt” and “Pull”
- Maximum level for condition duration and boon duration bonuses is limited by 100%
- Slot F2 has been added for Thief – now you can choose a skill stolen from a foe of any profession. This skill is not saving in the quicklinks
- “Specialization” tab supports preview mode now – you can use three additional slots to preview specializations (these specializations do not affect your build)
- Changed menu for Ranger’s pets – now all pets are grouped by families
v. 3.12
- Renewed the formula for calculation of critical chance
- Revised damage and healing coefficients for skills and traits according to new stats
- Added icons for traits
- Bug fixes for some traits influence, mistypes and errors in skills and traits descriptions
v. 3.11
- Traits system has been changed into Specialization system according to game patch 6/23, 2014
- Section “Current Effects” has been expanded with following effects: Slow, Quickness, Resistance
- Added F5 slot for Engineer’s elite skills
- Algorithm for calculation of conditions damage has been changed
- Summary for “Specialization” section now shows only your selected specializations. Summary with short trait descriptions is available over specialization icon
v. 3.9
- Descriptions of effects in the section “Current Effects” have been enlarged by numeric values of damage and healing depending on your current attributes value
- Effects from runes and sigils are also showed in the section “Current Effects” now
- Algorithm for calculation of conditions and boons duration has been changed
- The list of available Backs has been enlarged with items of Exotic and Rare rarity
- Fixed bug with disappearing of saved underwater skills after loading quick-links
v. 3.8
- Attribute “Critical Damage” [Prowess] has been replaced with attribute Ferocity. List of attributes has been changed in compliance with in-game attribute list
- Traits system has been changed into 14-points system
- Effects of equal sigils in one weapon set do not stack together anymore
- “In the water” mode has been blocked for PvP-mode
- Now you can select only 6-runes set in PvP-mode. All previously created PvP-builds with less than 6 equal runes will be loadable for backward compatibility
- You cannot select jewel for amulet in PvP-mode anymore
- Added slot for second sigil for two-handed weapons
- Buttons “Delete” and “Copy” have been removed from sections “Armor” and “Accessories” of “Armor” tab in PvP-mode
v. 3.7
- Now you can equip skills separately in “On the ground” and “In the water” modes
- Added underwater versions of skills Tornado, Rifle Turret, Elixir X, Polymorph Moa
- Added slots for infusions in “Armor” tab for PvE and WvW modes. Now you can use infusions also for weapons and armors of Ascended rarity
- Fixed bug with combining effects of two identical Sigils in one weapon set for Sigil of Force, Sigil of Accuracy and Sigil of the Night
v. 3.6
- Facts in skill description now depend on selected Traits
- Section “Current Effects” now contains effects from modified skills facts and from Traits own effects
- Added common skills Antitoxin Spray and Summon Mistfire Wolf for PvE and WvW modes
- Added runes Superior Rune of the Sunless and Superior Rune of Antitoxin for PvE and WvW modes
- Sigil of Bursting now has effect on attribute Condition Damage (Malice) instead of influence on condition damage itself
- Added “Copy” button for Back item in “Armor” tab
- Fixed bug with incorrect icons for Knockdown and Knockback effects in the section “Current Effects”
v. 3.5
- Data format has been changed to decrease traffic and volume of storage data. Please check that you’ve loaded version 3.5 before you’ll start to work with Build Editor
- Added facts to trait descriptions
- List of trinkets of Ascended rarity has been extended
- Fixed bug with double calculation of effect from same sigils in single weapon set
- Fixed bug with incorrect calculation of condition damage when Sigil of Bursting is equipped
v. 3.4
- Tooltip with trait's description now can have recharge time
v. 3.2
- New condition Torment has been added
- Necromancer has now 5 skill slots in Death Shroud mode
- Damage of some slot and special skills is affected now by equipped weapons
- Fixed several bugs with Traits influence at character attributes when traits conditions include equipped weapons
v. 3.1
- Added section “Buffs” into “Armor” tab. Here you can add foods, oils, sharpen stones and crystals into your build
- Added selector for stacks of Might and effects from equipped Sigils. Character attributes will be calculated based on selected number of stacks. This stacks number will not be saved into “Quick link” template code
- Character attributes now depend on traits, that use number of signets or minions in your build
- Damage calculation in skills tooltips now correctly considers Runes effects for damage
- Section “Trinkets” in “Armor” tab has been enlarged with “Copy” buttons for trinkets style (except Back) and upgrades
- Now you can autospend Trait points in “Traits” tab simply by clicking on wanted Trait (if you have enough unspent Trait points)
- Fixed bug with wrong calculation of character attributes based on another attributes
v. 3.0
- PvE and WvW modes have been added. In these modes you can choose weapons, armors, runes, sigils and jewels of Exotic rarity, trinkets of Ascended and Exotic rarity, gemstones and crests of Rare rarity and infusions of Fine rarity
- Racial skills now are blocked in PvP-mode
- Added support of difference between PvP, PvE and WvW versions of skills, traits and conditions
- All previously created builds will be automatically displayed in PvP or PvE mode depending on used racial skills or PvP-only upgrades and items
- Delimiter symbol for template codes in quick links has been changed for compatibility with official Guild Wars 2 forum
- Attributes Magic Find and Agony Resistance have been added to display in PvE and WvW modes
- Added Reset buttons to clear single trait line in Traits tab or single section in Armor tab
- Changed interface for choosing armor, weapons and upgrades in Armor tab
- Target level style has been changed
- Fixed calculation of some runes effects
- Fixed bug with displaying effects summary after load quick link
v. 2.10
- Character attributes now include all active and passive effects of equipped skills
- Damage in skills descriptions now based on character attributes, traits effects and level of selected target
- Healing amount in skills descriptions now based on character attributes
- Ranges and radiuses of effects in skills descriptions now based on currently equipped traits
- Added selector for target's level needed for damage calculation. You may switch between light, medium and heavy armored targets
v. 2.9
- Condition damage is calculated now for a integer number of seconds. Also updated the rule for rounding seconds to integer numbers
- Added full display of character's attributes
- Fixed bug with calculation of effects for Rune of Divinity
- Fixed a number of minor bugs with displaying statistics of skills
- Fixed bug with incorrect checking of Webstorage object for IE
v. 2.8
- Calculation of conditions and boons duration and damage now based on character's attributes, all upgrades and traits effects
- Added display of racial skills at Tool Belt for Engineer
- Points of initiative for Thief now based on current traits
v. 2.6
- Stability is a boon now
- You cannot use ground-only skills in the underwater mode anymore
- Character's attributes now depends on all effects of your current equipment and traits
- Skill recharge time now depends on selected traits
- Skill aim property now depends on selected traits
v. 2.5
- The editor now uses Webstorage to descrease data loading time
- Character's attributes now depends on selected weapon's defense
- The “Skills” tab has been improved with “Current Effects” section to show all conditions, boons, control effects and combos for your current skillbar
- Tooltip for the “Armor” tab now contains list of effects for selected equipmnet
- Added information of current skill balance
v. 2.1
- English version of the editor is available now
v. 2.0
- The “Armor” tab has been activated. Only PvP items are available here
- New template-code has been implemented for your character's equipment
- Character's attributes now depends on your runes, amulets and jewels. Sigils are not taken into account
- Fixed bug with disappearing of elite skill after loading the quicklink
- Fixed Brawn calculation for Warrior
v. 1.2
- Character's attributes now depend on selected weapon and trait points
- Added attributes for Ranger's pets
- Tooltip for the “Traits” tab now contains list of selected traits effects
- Trait points can be spent now with 5-point step
- Fixed bug with the width of the skills/traits lists in IE
- Fixed trait influence on the attributes for Guardian and Engineer
v. 1.1
- Editor uses now version system
- Fixed bug with old skill description while skill has been replaced
v. 1.0
- Initial public release of the editor