Восстанавливает здоровье игрока или союзников.
Умения, дающие эффект "Исцеление"
- Aqua Siphon
- Aquatic Stance
- Arcane Brilliance
- Breaking Wave
- Clapotis
- Cleansing Wave (Умение)
- Cone of Cold
- Crashing Font
- Crashing Waves
- Echoing Erosion
- Etching: J?kulhlaup
- Ether Renewal
- Frigid Flurry
- Geyser
- Glyph of Elemental Harmony (Земля)
- Glyph of Elemental Harmony
- Glyph of Elemental Harmony (Огонь)
- Glyph of Elemental Harmony (Вода)
- Glyph of Elemental Harmony (Воздух)
- Healing Rain
- J?kulhlaup
- Lesser J?kulhlaup
- Overload Water
- Pressure Blast
- "Rebound!"
- Restorative Spear
- Ripple
- Riptide
- Seiche
- Signet of Restoration
- Signet of Water
- Soothing Burst
- Soothing Splash
- Soothing Water
- Steam Surge
- Tidal Surge
- Tidal Wave
- Transmute Frost
- Undercurrent
- "Wash the Pain Away!"
- Water Arrow
- Water Blast
- Water Globe
- Water Trident
- Blood Reckoning
- Combat Stimulant
- Defiant Roar
- Defiant Stance
- Dolyak Signet
- Healing Signet
- Inspiring Whirl
- Line Breaker
- Mending
- Natural Healing (Умение)
- Path to Victory
- Rampart Splitter
- "To the Limit!"
- Valiant Leap
- Ancestral Grace
- Aqua Surge
- Astral Wisp
- Bear Stance
- Bite (Медвежьи)
- Bite (Аниморф, Медвежьи)
- Chomp (Ящеры)
- Chomp (Аниморф, Панцирные рыбы)
- Chomp (Панцирные рыбы)
- Chomp (Аниморф, Ящеры)
- Cosmic Ray
- Cosmic Ray (Подводное)
- Flourish
- Glyph of Alignment (Небесный аватар)
- Glyph of Rejuvenation (Не-аватар)
- Glyph of Rejuvenation (Небесный аватар)
- Glyph of the Stars (Небесный аватар)
- Glyph of the Stars (Не-аватар)
- Glyph of Unity (Небесный аватар)
- Harmonic Cry (Аниморф)
- Harmonic Cry
- Healing Spring
- Lunar Impact
- Lunar Impact (Подводное)
- Photosynthesize (Аниморф)
- Photosynthesize
- Rampant Growth
- Regenerate (Папоротниковая гончая)
- Rejuvenating Tides
- Rejuvenating Tides (Подводное)
- Seed of Life (Подводное)
- Seed of Life
- Solar Beam
- Solar Brilliance
- Spiritual Reprieve
- Sublime Conversion
- Troll Unguent
- Vampiric Bite
- Water Spirit
- "We Heal As One!"
- Consume Conditions
- Deadly Feast
- Deathly Enervation
- Elixir of Promise
- Enervation Blade
- Enervation Echo
- Gorge
- Grim Specter (Некромант)
- Hungering Maelstrom
- Life Leech (Павшие)
- Life Leech (Тонущие)
- Life Siphon
- Locust Swarm
- Path of Gluttony
- Sand Flare
- Signet of the Locust
- Signet of Vampirism
- Soul Grasp
- Summon Blood Fiend
- Taste of Death
- Well of Blood
- "Your Soul Is Mine!"
- Bow of Truth
- Chapter 1: Desert Bloom
- Chapter 2: Radiant Recovery
- Chapter 3: Azure Sun
- Chapter 4: Shining River
- Daybreaking Slash
- Detonate Light
- Empower
- Faithful Strike
- Flowing Resolve
- Helio Rush
- Holy Strike
- Judgment of Light
- Leap of Faith
- Litany of Wrath
- Merciful Intervention
- Purification
- "Receive the Light!"
- Rejuvenating Respite
- Renewing Current
- Repose
- Restoring Reprieve
- Reversal of Fortune
- Sanctuary
- Shelter
- Shield of Absorption (Щит поглощения)
- Signet of Courage
- Signet of Resolve
- Solar Storm
- Symbol of Faith
- Symbol of Judgment
- Virtue of Resolve
- Wings of Resolve
- Channeled Vigor
- Dawn's Repose
- Eternal Night
- Grasping Shadows
- Haunt Shot
- Hide in Shadows
- Malicious Restoration
- Malicious Shadowsquall
- Measured Shot
- Mind Shock
- Shadow Refuge
- Shadow Veil
- Shadowsquall
- Signet of Malice
- Skelk Venom
- Steal Health
- Twilight Combo
- Vampiric Slash
- Well of Gloom
- Withdraw
- A.E.D.
- Bandage Blast
- Bandage Self
- Cleansing Burst
- Coolant Blast
- Elixir H
- Elixir Shell
- Essence of Living Shadows
- Grim Specter (Инженер)
- Healing Turret
- Med Blaster
- Med Pack Drop (Ящик с припасами)
- Med Pack Drop (Подводное)
- Medic Gyro
- Rectifier Signet
- Super Elixir
- Vital Burst
- Abstraction
- Effervescence
- Ether Feast
- False Oasis
- Friendly Fire
- Imaginary Inversion
- Journey
- Mantra of Recovery
- Mirror
- Power Return
- Signet of the Ether
- Twin Blade Restoration
- Well of Eternity
- Breakrazor's Bastion
- Crystal Hibernation
- Drop Urn of Saint Viktor
- Empowering Misery
- Enchanted Daggers
- Energy Expulsion
- Envoy of Exuberance
- Infuse Light
- Mender's Rebuke
- Natural Harmony
- Project Tranquility
- Purifying Essence
- Reckoning Blast
- Rejuvenating Assault
- Renewing Wave
- Saint's Shield
- Selfish Spirit
- Selfless Spirit
- Soothing Stone
- Soulcleave's Summit
- Tree Song
- True Nature (Кентавр)
- Urn of Saint Viktor
- Vengeful Hammers
Черты, дающие эффект "Исцеление"
- Carnivore
- Cultivated Synergy
- Eternal Bond (Черта)
- Evasive Purity
- Invigorating Bond
- Live Vicariously
- Natural Fortitude
- Natural Healing (Черта)
- Predator's Cunning
- Rugged Growth
- Windborne Notes
- Altruistic Healing
- Conceited Curate
- Glacial Heart
- Hunter's Fortification
- Monk's Focus
- Protective Reviver
- Pure of Heart
- Selfless Daring
- Writ of Persistence
- Assassin's Reward
- Cloaked in Shadow
- Escapist's Fortitude
- Hungering Darkness
- Larcenous Torment
- Leeching Venoms
- Merciful Ambush
- Mug
- Shadow Savior
- Shadow Siphoning
- Traversing Dusk
- All's Well That Ends Well
- Blurred Inscriptions
- Illusionary Inspiration
- Restorative Illusions
- Restorative Mantras